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Tips To Sell Your Hilton Head Home

Selling your home doesn’t just mean hiring a realtor to stick a sign out front. There are a lot of preparations you should make to ensure you get the best offer possible in the shortest time.

Repair. Just because you’ve gotten used to the cracks in the walls and the rattles in the radiators doesn’t mean a buyer will too. If you have hardwood floors that need refinishing, be sure to get it done—hardwood is a huge selling point. Buyers like to snoop around, so be sure to fix any sticky doors or drawers as well. Finally, don’t forget to address any issues with the exterior—fences, shingles, sidewalks, etc. After all, without curb appeal, some buyers may never get to see the inside.

Neutralize. You want buyers to see themselves in your home. If your living room has lime green shag, wood-paneled walls, and all your collectibles and personal photographs, this will be much harder for them to do. Try replacing any bold color choices in your floors and walls with something more neutral—beiges, tans, and whites. Repainting and reflooring will make everything look fresh and new, and help prospective buyers imagine all the possibilities.

Stage. Once your house is clean and updated, it’s time to play dress up. Home stagers can add small details and décor touches that will bring out the possibilities in the various spaces in your home: lamps, mirrors, throw rugs and pillows, flowers, decorative soaps and towels, patio furniture. Home staging can be particularly useful if your home is especially old or if the exterior looks dated. Think of it as a little mascara and rouge—if it’s done right, you notice the beauty, not the makeup.

Increasing your home’s appeal

Remember the 60-second rule: That’s all the time you have to create a winning first impression. Here are some simple to significant ways to maximize your home’s appeal.


* Keep the grass cut and remove all yard clutter.

* Weed and apply fresh mulch to flower beds.

* Apply fresh paint to wooden fences.

* Tighten and clean all door handles.

* Clean windows inside and out.

* Powerwash home’s exterior.

* Ensure all gutters and downspouts are firmly attached and functioning.

* Paint the front door.

* Buy a new welcome mat.

* Place potted flowers near the front door.



* Evaluate the furniture in each room and remove anything that interrupts “the flow” or makes the room appear smaller. Consider renting a storage unit to move items off-site.

* Clean and organize cabinets, closets and bookshelves.

* Clean all light fixtures and ceiling fans.

* Shampoo carpets.

* Remove excessive wall hangings and knick-knacks.

* Repair all plumbing leaks, including faucets and drain traps.

* Make minor repairs (torn screens, sticking doors, cracked caulking).

* Clean or paint walls and ceilings.

* Replace worn cabinet and door knobs.

* Fix or replace discolored grout.

* Replace broken tiles.

* Replace worn countertops.


Special details for showings

* Turn on all the lights.

* Open all drapes and shutters in the daytime.

* Keep pets secured outdoors.

* Buy new towels for bathrooms.

* Buy new bedding for bedrooms.

* Replace old lamps or lampshades.

* Play quiet background music.

* Light the fireplace or clean out the ashes and light a candelabrum.

* Infuse home with a comforting scent, such as apple spice or vanilla.

* Set the dining room table for a fancy dinner party.

* Vacate the property while it is being shown.



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